Hi! I am Kasey an equestrian at heart. I started this blog to share my passion for horses as well as what I have learned from over 2 decades of owning, riding, and caring for horses. While I don’t consider myself a professional, I am constantly learning new things to improve myself and my horses. I own Joey.

At North County Equestrian, my mission is to inspire, educate, and connect equestrians of all levels and disciplines through engaging content and celebrating the unique equestrian lifestyle in North County. My goal is to empower individuals to enrich their lives though riding, watching, or by appreciating the magnificent bond between humans and horses. I hope to be able to share my experiences and knowledge to be a reliable source of information for both seasoned equestrians and those new to the world of horses.

Please join me on this exciting journey as I learn to create content and grow my page to share insight into the horse world as well as, learning what North County has to offer for all equestrians.